After completing Phase 1, and based upon what they learn from Phase 1, a proposal for Phase II can be submitted. Sensors & Transducers, 109(10), 76. NASA Technical Memorandum: An assessment of separable fluid connector system parameters to perform a connector system design optimization study (Report No. For use the string specified in the Issued To field of the certificate. After a successful login, a user is assigned to a role that includes an automatic download and installation of the Pulse client software. Design of FSS-antenna-radome system for airborne and ground applications. Miniaturized rotary angle sensor technology sought by this SBIR holds the promise, provided that smaller variants can be developed that meet the both the unique accuracy and packaging and environmental requirements. This error code would occur if you tried to suspend or resume a connection that was disconnected. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: These batteries can be used by multiple organizations that use handheld radios (standard connection) and the technology should transition to other battery systems with limited development. OBJECTIVE: DTRA seeks to develop a US-based, portable, open-architecture tablet designed for SOCOM ATAK users that is capable of visualizing and conducting real-time DNA or RNA sequencing in a tactical environment. Materials or methods developed as part of this SBIR will have direct private sector commercial potential, as they would serve to increase the overall efficiency and capability of such systems. The start point for these LDLs is Taiwan Hokkien. Phase III deliverables will include documentation not addressed during Phase II such as, but not limited to, Critical Design Review (CDR), associated Qualification Testing and analysis to support Flight Testing, performance requirements, associated ICDs, and manuals. REFERENCES: 54, Issue 6, Article No. Experimentally demonstrate that the prototype meets or exceeds the performance specifications stated in the Description. Multiple demonstrations in operationally relevant environments should be planned, including in coordination with a larger research field exercise. Based on this success, several prototypes have sought to extend the methodology for use in distributed analytic applications in the defense community. A Human Body Model for Computational Assessment of Blast Injury and Protection.; The pilot may later decide to launch from the NCT; during launch, the NCTLS should track the landing site during takeoff and generate aircraft control inputs to guide the aircraft straight up relative to the NCT. d. Reverse Engineering (RE) without RPPOB or Surplus available is when the NSN will be provided as Government Furnished Material (GFM) if available from the ESA or one of our Service customers post award. Develop and assist with required qualification testing and training. This topics goal is to minimize SWaPC and design the ability to increase the signal processing resources of present 3U and 6U RF transceivers. The end product technology could be leveraged to bring photonic imaging and sensing towards a more mature state with a lower size, weight, and power (SWaP) profile that could make it more attractive for optical communication and Light Detecting and Ranging (LIDAR) as well as in the biomedical, navigation, and vehicle autonomy markets. Determine how artificial intelligence algorithms can be incorporated into DoD and commercial operations. First, advances in the deposition of cerium-doped yttrium iron garnet (Ce:YIG), a magneto-optical material, have allowed for the integration of thin-films onto the sidewalls of both silicon (Si) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) waveguides. Contact the TPOC if necessary. For this SBIR topic, a high-speed compliment or augmentation of the Navys Miniature Air Launched Decoy (MALD) weapons system is desired. MIL-STD-461G (EMI) The ncNIRPA imager is a non-contact device. Wall-modeling improvements need to incorporate additional physics, including large thermal gradients, improved models for turbulent heat flux, near-wall boundary layer flames and near-wall combustion. The resulting training proof-of-concept system should demonstrate solutions to the problems found during the initial analyses conducted at the start of this Phase I. [{e/Z}0I.!Rk*2e>H@Rx and Zaghloul, A.I., 2020. 3. Users worldwide cannot connect to Pulse Secure VPN devices after a code signing certificate used to digitally sign and verify software components has expired. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission [2] maintains requirements for criticality safety in operational facilities, and there are commercially available systems* for monitoring criticality safety, such as [3]. Demonstrated metrics for manufacturability should include but not be limited to cost (80%). "Operators Manual for Instrument Set, Reconnaissance and Surveying (ENFIRE) AN/TKQ-5 (NSN: 6675-01-559-6558)," Army Publishing Directorate, 2009. This bug is affecting users of Pulse Connect Secure (PCC) and Pulse Policy Secure (PPS) products listed below: 3. Creating an Army owned environment that can develop and test future AI/ML capabilities with a focus on multi-INT data fusion and machine intelligence. AP News. Inventory Management - Inventory management practices and procedures are inefficient, consuming significant resources. Leveraging these technologies to enable the ability to reroute taskable and ISR platforms will increase opportunities to view AOI in a timely fashion. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. At the end of Phase II a subset of the system should be operational and demonstrated to provide detection to benchmark results from the Phase I simulation. Storage Temperature Range: -40 C to 80 C 7. The launcher along with the WallpaperPicker should be more stable now due to the fixes made to them too. 4. On the application of radio frequency voltages to ion traps via helical resonators. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. The Phase I effort will include prototype plans to be developed under Phase II. On Windows, you can display the last error level with "echo %errorlevel%" (without quotes). Net carbon reduction includes extra emissions from power needed to run the system. Cunningham, L. K., Docherty, S., & Tyler, A. W. (2010). The proof of concept should identify the risks and opportunities to counter these attacks. PHASE I: Determine technical feasibility of a cost-effective, ship-based direct readout data system using a virtual gimbal able to meet the technological specifications listed in the Description. Blast Overpressure Induced Pulmonary and Intestinal Damage is Ameliorated by Post-injury Decay Accelerating Factor Injection. If required, subject the devices incorporating the wafer bonding process to several common test environments, including radiation and vibration environments. The network privacy and security can be achieved for air-to-air and air-to-ground networks by mitigating the link attack and detecting malicious nodes, since it can achieve a consensus without introducing a third party. Hao, K., Li, Z., Wang, X., Yang, S., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Zhou, L., & Gao, Y. Pulse has an impressive background in this field with 15 years of innovation and refinement and a portfolio of several products. Support the Marine Corps for test and validation to certify and qualify the system for Marine Corps use. 2. Kovalev, V. Eichinger, W. (2004) Elastic Lidar: Theory, Practice and Analysis Methods. PHASE I: Design and demonstrate feasibility of the inspection, diagnostics, and cleaning tool. You can read more about the PSAL in Pulse Secures KB (Knowledge Base) article KB40102. (5) The performer will provide a final report detailing the technology developed and its performance based on simulation and measured results. The next decade in AI: Four steps toward robust artificial intelligence. Nothing wrong with using Pulse Connect as long as you know its not the same as something like NordVPN. DESCRIPTION: The current Life Preserver Units (LPU) for Fixed-Wing Ejection Seat Aircraft are equipped with FLU-8B/P automatic inflation assemblies that initiate inflation automatically upon sensing water immersion. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This technology can be used for multiple military technologies such as magnetic anomaly detection or magnetic navigation but has a dual use for medical applications such as magnetoencephalography or magnetocardiography. (h) creating abnormal spinal loading. 9. REFERENCES: Careful consideration should be given to scenario development and behaviorally accurate models of any constructive entities developed. 4. Magnetic-free silicon nitride integrated optical isolator. It should be able to measure particles in the 2-40 micron range, operate at a stand-off distance of 300 m to 3 km, and be eye safe (preferred but not required). Fully Competitive (AMC/AMSC-1G) NSNs where a full technical data package is available in cFolders. A final integration with a quantum sensor and subsequent demonstration will be required. KEYWORDS: time sensing and visualization, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems Army Engineers shall conduct the final demonstration in a field environment with a relevant tactical scenario, such as a route reconnaissance mission. 6, pp. The Navy recognizes that space vehicle and payload design constraints as well as data processing algorithms may impede off-nadir experimentation. Support MTC-A/X for testing and validation to certify and qualify the capability for Navy use. The Navy seeks a solution that will shorten the processing time for imagery from tasking to imagery exploitation. The techniques used could also be applied to commercial applications to overall reduce processing time such as accidents, natural disasters, flooding and other rapidly changing situations with first responders. Additionally, a plan and cost assessment needs to be developed to take the system into Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP). DESCRIPTION: The use of LWIR HSI for standoff vapor mass quantification of plumes has proven very useful for evaluating the ability of C-WMD technologies and tactics to minimize unintentional chemical releases and the associated collateral effects. (Analytical and Experimental Critical Function and/or Characteristic Proof of Concept) The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract. Refine the prototype for use in Navy edge nodes. Nodular Aluminum Powder is widely used in a number of munition systems. Air Force Research Laboratory, Quantum Information Science Branch. For Soldiers navigating unfamiliar terrain, the system could be set down and allowed to perform a measurement to provide the soldier with a heading for orienteering in place of the M2 Compass. OBJECTIVE: To develop a computational modeling tool to simulate human blast injuries in the battle field The system should be optimized for breadth in radio frequency, quickly-initiated operation sustained for extended periods of time, and minimal load to the vehicle. The regulatory strategy shall be refined and implemented for FDA submission and approval for technical use as an US device. Cilfone, A., Davoli, L., Belli, L., & Ferrari, G. (2019). 3. Highlighting the need across the services for a more collaborative approach to extreme cold warfighting capabilities, the DoD established the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies on 9 June 2021 (DoD Fact Sheet, 2021.) REFERENCES: Use of composites in general could save weight and reduce maintenance. Offerors are advised foreign nationals proposed to perform on this topic may be restricted due to the technical data under US Export Control Laws. KEYWORDS: Oil; Quantity; Volume; Tank; Reservoir; Fluid, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Integrated Sensing and Cyber 10. Precision: Proportion of retrieved machine perception material that is relevant; Precision = TP/(TP+FP), True Positives (TP) and False Positives (FP). Evaluate performance of the developed framework for heterogeneous scenarios. Proposals must describe a capability that would auto-activate LPU inflation when immersed in water. OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Space Technology;Trusted AI and Autonomy - Pulse Secure. 6. Consider and adhere to the Risk Management Framework guidelines during the development to support information assurance compliance [Ref 7]. NOTE: If Pulse is launched through a browser, the browser handles certificate verification. This technology has broad applications in government and private sectors to monitor and discover unlawful transactions, commerce, and national security threats. The Phase I effort will include prototype plans to be developed under Phase II. Support the Navy for testing and validation to certify and qualify the capability for Navy use. The technology should offer the capability to provide the measured heading to the user or to a host system in which the technology is embedded. KEYWORDS: Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (CUAS), Multi-Sensor Fusion, DEVSECOPS. Prevalence of low back pain (LBP) in rotary wing aviation pilots. DoD 5220.22-M National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (Incorporating Change 2, May 18, 2016). U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center ROS-Military ROS 2 Overview, 30 September 2020 PHASE II: Using the results from Phase I, develop, test, and demonstrate the operation of a prototype system. PHASE II: Direct to PHASE II: 12 Months $1,500,000 The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120-130, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730-774, which controls dual use items. This is especially important with mobile and remote operations, similar to ships at sea. Develop an approach toward predicting ASTM E1354 Cone calorimetry results for maximum heat release rate, time to ignition, and smoke density. 2. 4 Issue 28, March 2019. For the phase I effort, the offeror shall demonstrate the feasibility and performance benefits of continuous time systems for spectrum situational awareness. 3, pp. Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation, 2008 PHASE I: Phase I will focus on addressing the previously identified capability gaps in the current workflow. PHASE II: Develop a prototype for the process(es) proven in Phase I that can be transferred to a DLA production environment. Applying ATAK to this sequencing effort prevents potential sampling errors by employed operators, and also drastically reduces the decision-making timeline by providing near real-time results. REFERENCES: (2008). Related areas of interest include development of software tools that builds up on existing open-source and commercially available databases for fractional separation of multi-component mixtures. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Phase III is any proposal that Derives From, Extends or Completes a transition from a Phase I or II project. PHASE II: Develop a new process workflow for the OIB that leverages the solutions developed in Phase I. By integration, the AR system should be fully functional and usable by an aviator without impeding any operation of the aircraft by the aviator or limiting access or function of aircrew gear. A lab environment may leverage a test artifact with controlled model based technical requirements captured in the QIF format to evaluate the tools performance. With availability of components to construct new innovations in communications technology that can be deployed from Vertical Lift aircraft by means such as AN/ALE-47 flare dispensers, canister configurations, or door thrown deployment methods to provide floating mesh-networking nodes; greater maritime situational awareness methods are now possible at a lower cost. Laser can detect your heartbeat and breathing from a metre away, New Scientist, May 16, 2018. Industries such as farming, land management, and last-mile delivery are exploring or already using systems comparable to Group 13 UAVs. It is desirable for the NCTLS system to operate with sensor data from pre-existing sensors already on board most aircraft (e.g., GPS, IMU, imagers), however, additional sensors and computers may be added to the aircraft to enable the system. Integrate and fuse many disparate sensors and effectors of varying quality and types - Additional details will be provided to firm once selected. and Spadaccini, C.M. Define requirements for algorithm and validate method/framework for identifying and characterizing threats. 2. 5. "As of today, staff are no longer accessing our system from home. The remaining portion of Phase II should focus on designing and creating two fully equipped sequencing kits that can be utilized for additional user testing. (m) operate after exposure to temperature extremes from -65160 F (-53.89 to 71.11 C), mold, mildew, flame, and salt fog. DOD Zero Trust Reference Architecture v2.0 PHASE I: Explore advanced materials and concepts for the expandable sticky foam. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. These items may also require a qualification of a Representative Article. KEYWORDS: Integrated photonics; second-order nonlinearity; optical waveguides; foundry compatible; low loss waveguides; visible integrated photonics, OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Quantum Science The company can draw on its data center resources to operate its business or serve those resources to the public as a service. The high assurance microkernel, seL 4, was developed in 2009 [14]-[15]. T. Nakano: Hardware Implementation of a Real-time Operating System, IEEE TRON Project International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, pp. Or using split screen for various apps? ML databases can be constructed such that they can take many inputs, either experimental or computational, which may be used directly as descriptors to correlate to a desired predicted property, or used to calculate a descriptor through physical or empirical relationships. (2022). PHASE II: Phase II will finish the construction work of the model. Helium is a limited resource, expensive and highly sensitive to changes in market supplies, some of which come from Russia and other foreign countries. The advanced non-lethal technology developed under this SBIR topic would have direct application to the DoD IFC community in the joint services, civilian law enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Department of State, the Department of Energy, the Secret Service, and Customs and Border Protection. Program / Phase / Year: SBIR / BOTH / 2023. DESCRIPTION: The Digital Augmentation to Analog Systems (DAAS) feasibility study should examine currently available research and techniques for creating a see-through display capable of forming high-resolution digital imagery, while still maintaining a high level of visible light transmission from the outside world through the display substrate. Marine Carbon Capture Technology Review. MARAD report DOC-G0036-0006, Document # DOC-G0036-0006, 24 October 2022. They allow the attacker to gain system access and control the enterprise network. Typically the goal of Phase II is to expand the number of NSNs and/or to build capability to expand capacity to better fulfill DLA requirements. For grating resonance wavelength in the LWIR, this has led to enhancement of D* in type-II superlattice nBn devices at operating temperatures in the thermoelectric cooler range [Ref 5]. Hyperscale data center: It is essentially the premise that provides space, power and cooling for network infrastructure designed specifically for offering a . A partnership can allow for installation testing and fit checks on the selected aircraft platform. Feasibility must be demonstrated through modeling and analysis. SPIE, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing IX, 0277-786, vol. Renesas released a commercial microcontroller [12] with a simple hardware based operating system in 2014. The first path for commercial use is at DLA's twenty-four Distribution Centers and twenty Disposition Centers. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: In phase III, the offeror should refine the model based on the feedback from the Command Surgeons and other customers. It adds back refresh rate support and fixes the lag when unlocking through FOD. Application-specific electronics can be one approach to overcoming the limitations of an FPGA. Here, youll need to provide all kinds of other details: Then, you can click Continue again. Offerors must disclose any proposed use of foreign nationals (FNs), their country(ies) of origin, the type of visa or work permit possessed, and the statement of work (SOW) tasks intended for accomplishment by the FN(s) in accordance with the Announcement. 4. DESCRIPTION: The execution of this SBIR effort will require a strong partnership between technology managers of DLA Information Operations (J6), and distribution managers at DLA Distribution (J4) to identify, research, develop, test, evaluate, and determine the feasibility, and maturity of smart-warehouse commercially available industry 4.0 technologies to seamlessly integrate within the DLAs network, the warehouse management system (WMS), and the warehouse execution system (WES). Read and follow all of the DON SBIR 23.2 Direct to Phase II Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Instructions. 978-982, May 2016. 6. The Pulse Secure client is easy to use and should keep your online communications secure and private while connecting to your company servers. We are interested in micro-scale, high-resolution liquid-crystal displays, similar to what would be found in commercial virtual-reality headsets. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Finalize the developed automatic inflation device technology and provide a technical data package including a performance specification, an interface control document, and engineering drawings in accordance with military standards. Finalize all testing. The technology within this topic is restricted under the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120-130, which controls the export and import of defense-related material and services, including export of sensitive technical data, or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730-774, which controls dual use items. G. Sockut: "Firmware/hardware support for operating systems: principles and selected history," ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter, Volume 6 Issue 4, pp. 1. If Pulse is launched through a browser, the browser handles certificate verification. PHASE I: Research, evaluate, and develop the overall classifier architecture. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26(6), 1498-1505. Hsaio, H., Sun, J., Zhang, H., Zhao, J., A Mechanically Intelligent and Passive Gripper for Aerial Perching and Grasping, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. o 32 GB DDR4 RAM 7. 1. PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Transition the developed technology to candidate platforms/sensors. (PDF) CLASS 9 PHYSICS MCQS | narayan changder - Normally, they log on to Pulse Secure via the web interface and then select their PC, which is then forwarded via the terminal server service," a customer reported on the Pulse Secure forums. Why? One component technology that is of chief interest is rotary angle sensor technology; this component measures the angular position and rotational speed and direction of a rotating member. Military use would primarily be in Roles One and Two. Providing context dramatically facilitates accurate interpretation. It is directed towards the skull but separated from it, will employ a pulsed NIR laser that is able to detect abnormal accumulation of deoxyHb, producing acoustic vibrations that can be detected through Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV), which, in turn, will enable PA imaging [6].
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