What a hero is a person that will give everything that they have to save another person from any harm. One of the motifs for which Homer has set the precedent is heroes: Homeric heroism is a concept that is widely discussed within scholarship. He thinks he is the most intelligent human being, even more so than the gods. Odysseus clearly believes that he is above the rules that most people in society chose to, Odysseus tends to make rash decisions and often finds it impossible to control his impulses. If Odysseus took the cheese and left, his men would not have had to dealt with Polyphemus. (12.270-75). One reason for this claim is odysseus is smart, brave, and kind and another reason is he wants to go home and protect his family. One of these plans was his ingenious idea to trick Polyphemos, which shows he is a hero by saving countless lives. One trait that Odysseus has is that he is very clever. Like most epic heroes, Odysseus has been mostly harmed by the gods. In Homers In a way, Odysseus is a hero with strength, wits, and cunning who dominates the largest beasts the planet has to offer. Superman, for example, is considered a hero because despite not having any personal stakes in Earth as he is a superpowered alien he consistently tries to save the world and the people living in it. Odysseus is also a master tactician whose complex plans save his crew and help him regain his crown. He proves then to be a villain by seeking his revenge for the suitors and maidservants that once betray him (696, summary). An epic hero is on a quest of self discovery, war or some sort of goal. The gods punished him by stranding him at sea for more than ten years without being able to go home. In the latter, however, some of his more ignoble traits are revealed: he is a braggart, he almost dishonorably uses poisoned arrows, and he shows conceit in his victory over the Cyclops. He is different from Achilles and Odysseus in that he is a distinctly Roman hero and therefore upholds specifically Roman values, which have already changed from the values that were important in Homers society. The, Odysseus is perhaps more closely paralleled to a modern-day hero like Batman or Iron Man. Odysseus consists of positive and negative characteristics that is shown in the text by Homer. Odysseus is described as a god-like man. During his journey back home to Ithaca, Odysseus commited adultery twice. After 7 years on this island he finally decides to go home to has son which he has never seen and his dog who is nearly dead due to old age (not to mention he barely does anything with his dog and the first thing he says to his son is basically to ask him to risk his life for Odysseus's house). He does not deserve the credit for his getting home from the war at all. This led me to wonder, what characteristics qualify or disqualify someone, In Homer's The Odyssey, he portrays Odysseus, the hero of the story, as clever and brave. Perhaps not. Some people question whether the main character, Odysseus, is a hero or not. Odysseus, during his quest, is forced to venture through a merciless Cyclops, angered Gods, deeply obstinate Goddesses, the underworld, and determined suitors that are after his wife Penelope. Odysseus is sailing away from Cyclops Island and he is teasing Polyphemus about escaping. The Odyssey depicts his ten-year nostos (homeward journey) after the Trojan War until he finally retakes his throne on Ithaca. Some people question whether the main character, Odysseus, is a hero or not. Odysseus The epic hero is often of mixed, there are three archetypes that provide insights to Ancient Greek civilizations and their morals. Another decision Odysseus makes to survive is not eating the cattle of Helios while on Thrinikia, his crew members choice in eating the hallowed cows results in their death, but Odysseus knew the consequences and did not touch a cow. When Odysseus slaughters the Trojans, he starts to act like he was greater than any god. Odysseus: Hero or Villain Essay - 650 Words | Bartleby He proves then to be a villain by seeking his revenge for the suitors and maidservants that once betray him (696, summary). Hes also a very famous archetype for The Hero. WebFrom Villain to Hero explores the reception of Odysseus in philosophy, a subject that so far has been treated only in tangential or limited ways. No person is perfect, and challenging the ideas of who a hero is reveals the illusion of perfection. Odysseus doesnt deserve the title of a hero because he made bad decisions that affected his crew poorly, Athena did almost all of the work in getting him home, and he cheated on his wife multiple times throughout his journey home. Odysseus didnt tell his crew members that he knew people would be killed by the beast. These are the hero archetype, the monster or villain archetype, and the hero's journey archetype. The Odyssey, by Homer, has a large range of stories in it. He was very competitive and tried to be better than anyone else and insured his name lived on forever. Odysseus Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home. The book The Odyssey written by Homer reveals a story of a true hero. Each archetype provides an example of what was moral,heroic,and frightening. Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and protagonist of Homers epic poem the Odyssey was recognized as a great hero of his time. He takes the punishment of Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to see those who have invaded his house. Another way in which Odysseus shows he is a villain is when he finally reunites with his wife Penelope and reacts with rage when she tests him. thinks of himself as a hero. Odysseus should not be considered a hero because he portrays himself as a selfish man that failed his crew, and is controlled by his hubris. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus makes mistakes that causes his men to be killed. Many times in the epic he manipulates others, commits foolish acts and is full of hubris. He is unfaithful to Penelope many times throughout the book. WebOdysseus has the defining character traits of a Homeric leader: strength, courage, nobility, a thirst for glory, and confidence in his authority. The crew relies on their leader to be honest with them when it comes to situations such as these. Although she did not help during his travels, Athena assisted Odysseus in his battle against the suitors in his kingdom. Despite Odysseus' overconfident nature, Odysseus proves he is a hero by showing bravery and intelligence. I armed myself long ago against the frauds of men. WebIn Homers The Odyssey, Odysseus is considered the hero of the story. He has no regard for anyones feelings but his own, and he believes nothing and no one can harm him, not even the gods. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who, Odysseus is also disloyal to his wife who stayed faithful to him despite the circumstances. Six of his crew members do perish but through his hard work and dedication he survives. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus is rational when dealing with many situations. We say put out again on good salt water. Yet, I refused. He wasn't thinking about his wife and son. Being a hero originally means a brave person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.. In conclusion, Odysseus throughout his actions proves to be not only veil but a villain. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. Odysseuss inability to think through his rash decisions and recognize the right choice over the honorable and selfish one makes him unfit to be a, In conclusion Odysseus is a true hero even though he was thoughtless, selfish and deceitful. He is consistently referred to with the epithet a man of many ways (compared to the swift-footed Achilles), demonstrating that Odysseus heroism is due to mental rather than physical strength. Hero; Of course Odysseus. Odysseus doesnt resist Kalypsos charm and cheats on his wife Penelope. Kalypso, Odysseus only cares about himself and his personal benefits, like a villain. Another way Odysseus is also a hero is he always finds a way to survive whether he is in conflict or out on the sea. A hero is one who is distinguished for their courage and bravery, and looked upon for their great deeds. This is not how I would describe Odysseus from the book The Odyssey by Homer, everyone always thought of Odysseus as the hero of the story, but he was quite the opposite. The ancient idea vastly differs from what we think of as a hero today but there are parallels that are interesting to consider; ancient heroism still arguably impacts modern-day perception. The Odyssey: Antagonist | SparkNotes Although there has been some evidence that points to Odysseus not being a hero, this essay will give three reasons why Odysseus should be respected as a hero. He earns the respect of his men during the Trojan War by making good sound decisions and caring about the welfare of his men. Odysseus shows extremely inadequate leadership qualities throughout the story. Odysseus, Hero or Villain? The Greeks valued strength in battle, brutality, and vengeance as ideals that a hero should uphold. While Odysseus does demonstrate some qualities that are not heroic, he is still defined as a hero because of his better, more heroic qualities in which he is far superior in than any other man. Penelope didnt need saving either. You don't always have to save a person's life. A prime example of this is when Odysseus receives advice from Kirke about Scylla. He first shows his Valiant behavior during the war in Troy, he cares about his crew and survives the war. The Odyssey: Odysseus Quotes | SparkNotes She only wanted Odysseus to come home and for the suitors to stop eating their food. For generations, heroes have always fascinated people and people have strived to achieve certain qualities of their heroes. He was a role model for his son Telemachus who wanted to be like him. He loses his entire crew in the process, intentionally sacrificing some of them to Scylla for his own survival. The Odyssey is the perfect story for examples of archetypes seeing as it has so many of them. A hero is someone who is revered for his or her exceptional achievements and bravery. Also this shows that he is mean because he yelled at the nurse to not tell anyone who he really is. Odysseus is in between. In myths and stories especially, heroes tend to have supernatural capabilities in one form or another, such as superhuman strength, intellect, or even magical abilities. In the age of postmodernism, there are instances where a person can be both a hero and a villain. Hero Another way in which Odysseus shows he is a villain is when he finally reunites with his wife. Another trait that ends up killing a number of his men is his lack of leadership skills, or rather the lack of respect and trust from his men. He is consistently seen to display piety and is perhaps more closely aligned with our ideals of a modern hero in his selfless motivations, comparable to a superhero like Hawkeye whose duty to family trumps all. Many would argue that Odysseus is more of a villain nowadays, for every instance of his wiliness or feats of strength there are several of venality, vice, cruelty, or selfishness. Is Odysseus a hero or a villain? While he was extremely driven by one goal, getting back home to his family, he performed some not-so heroic deeds on his quest and once he arrived back in Ithaca. Odysseus Hero In addition to saving lives a hero should be humble, Odysseus does not fit that description, his hubris is as big as the moon. Odysseus says, Then he tore them apart and gobbled them up like a lion in the wilderness He was also courageous as well as confident., On the subject of heroism, Maya Angelou once wrote that I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people (Angelou). All the little kids probably looked up to him but now kids don't even know his name. Odysseus comments that his crew tried to calm him down and get him to stop talking, but he. Is Odysseus a hero? Odysseus has stolen from people, raped women, and murdered people when it all could have been avoided.
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