En route to Durban, the Oceanos cruise ship set out from the port of East London on Saturday, August 3, 1991, into 40-knot winds and nine-meter swells. South Africa probes cause of luxury liner's sinking He said the export to the electric generators had been opened by a surge and water was pouring in. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. South Korean authorities have arrested Capt. The Costa Concordia Disaster: How Human Error Made It Worse - History "Some people panic, but a short time later they collect their senses and do the right thing," Allen said. From that point on, Smiths activities become more of a blur. Smith's body was never recovered, and his final moments remain a mysterywith no shortage of conflicting accounts. Moving round to the port side propeller, over the hull, and back to the deck amidships, they headed off on their scooters to the bridge and bow sections to make a survey of possible penetration points for the second dive. He made the wrong choice. He in consultation with the international federation fled Nikolaou to Greece. In a matter of hours, more than 1,500 passengers and crew would be dead, including Smith himself. The Oceanos crew was referred to disciplinary inspection for withdrawal of diploma or grade, but they were all acquitted.. What Was the Titanic's Captain Doing While the Ship Sank? - History The Worst Christmas Story Ever: The Sinking of SS Leopoldville on 24 December 1944, How AI is Transforming Personal and Professional Investing, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, UC Berkeleys Financial Innovation Conference, Why did Titanic Sink : A Scientific Analysis. What happened to the Italian cruise ship captain? The captain must first ensure the safety of his passengers, then of his crew and, finally, of the ship, though the notion that he's supposed to go down with it is more legend than fact. The notorious Master of the vessel was Captain Yiannis Avranas. Only entertainment staff, singers and waiters helped us later. After ramming into the sea floor, the Oceanos slipped silently beneath the waves. The storm worsened as the evening progressed and when the first sitting of dinner was served, the waiters could hardly carry the trays of food without dropping something. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yiannis_Avranas&oldid=1133434367, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 19:56. Given that the officers of the vessel had all fled in . The water steadily rose and flowed through the 10 cm hole in the bulkhead and into the waste disposal tank. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. He hit the bottom, got back up, side of the fault and was swallowed by the sea forever.. Why did the captain go down with the ship? No one knows exactly where Captain E.J. It was owned by Epirotiki Lines of Greece and chartered at the time by a South African company, TFC Tours. [14] He was never incarcerated and Epirotiki gave him command of a ferry until his retirement. The guitarist who saved hundreds of people on a sinking cruise liner The Costa Concordia, carrying more than 4,200 passengers and crew, slammed into a reef on Friday, after Schettino made an unauthorized maneuver. Ship Captain. Tonight on Dateline(NBC) they are doing a special about the sinking of the Greek cruise ship, Oceanos, and the survivors from 8-4-91. But whatever the reason for getting too close, the Italian courts found the captain, four crew members and one official from the ships company, Costa Crociere (part of Carnival Corporation), to be at fault for causing the disaster and preventing a safe evacuation. "You need someone on the ship to communicate with them, to command the people who are on the ship, to help get the passengers off and to guide the rescuers.". "I'm kind of flummoxed that a master of a passenger ship anywhere in the world would not understand his obligation extends until that last person is safely off the ship," says Craig Allen, director of the Arctic Law & Policy Institute at the University of Washington. Think of Bligh, or Queeg, or the autocratic captains who drive many of the novels and stories of Herman Melville. I am the captain. Photographs, some taken by survivors, document the cruise ship sinking off Southern Africa's eastern coast in August 1991. ", First published on January 19, 2012 / 3:02 PM. On open-circuit scuba, the exhaled breath is not fed back into the system but is expelled and is no longer useable. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Captain Yiannis Avranas told reporters in Durban that he did not desert the ship but left to coordinate rescue efforts from shore. Oceanos headed into 40-knot winds and 9 m (30 ft) swells. The Greek government is not doing anything about the incident. The teams arrival at Hole in the Wall on Saturday, May 3, was scheduled to coincide with a window period in which there is a reduction in the force of the Agulhas current. Diesel, emanating from the wreck for nearly 12 years, was visible around the marker buoy an indication that the entire water column lay still. Schettino also didnt immediately alert the Italian Search and Rescue Authority about the accident. Originally built as a passenger/cargo vessel, the Oceanos underwent massive reconstruction by the time she came to operate as a cruise liner for Epirotiki Lines of Greece. The dive was aborted for the day. The nearest, RMS Carpathia, replied that it would change course and hurry to the Titanics position. The current on the surface was running reverse, and there was no sign of the dreaded Northeaster. The Concordia was supposed to take passengers on a seven-day Italian cruise from Civitavecchia to Savona. Legal proceedings. On the morning of July 12, 1952, Forges Chantiers de la Gironde launched the last of four sister ships in Bordeaux, France, under the name of Jean Laborde. Although Barry, Paul, and Brett would dive to the Oceanos as a team, they were all on different equipment. The sinking of Oceanos - NBC News The helicopter was used to survey conditions around the wreck that lies at a distance of 9.5km from Hole in the Wall. Francesco Schettino had handed himself in to the Rebibbia prison in Rome after the verdict, his lawyer said. In addition to Schettino, Ferrarini and Rusli Bin, the other people who received convictions for their role in the disaster were Cabin Service Director Manrico Giampedroni, First Officer Ciro Ambrosio and Third Officer Silvia Coronica. Smith was at 11:40 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1912. Fourth Officer Joseph G. Boxhall made a quick inspection of the ship and returned to the bridge to report that he had found no damage. Making the most of the break, the team took some time out from the daily diving routine to explore the remarkable area with its beautiful landscapes and majestic sea views. South Korean authorities have arrested Capt. He didnt give up though. The ships engineer reported to Captain Yiannis Avranias that water was entering the hull and flooding the generator room. This is an amazing story -- if they're doing a new story maybe something new has happened -- like maybe the captain will finally be . [5], Oceanos sank bow first approximately 45 minutes after the last person was airlifted from the deck. Both literature and real life offer plenty of examples of shipmasters who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect their passengers and crew. [6] When the ship's worsening list to starboard made it unsafe to continue, Hills and several passengers went to the bridge to look for the crew, but found it unmanned. A recording of his conversation with the Italian Coast Guard suggests he fled before all passengers were off, and resisted repeated orders to go back, saying the ship was tipping and it was dark. The open-circuit diver is therefore restricted in terms of profile and dive time due to the chosen static supply of gas content and quantity carried. Greek Captain Criticized For Leaving Ship Early - New York Times In the time of need, however, the crew found that everything was useless. ", the captain of the wrecked cruise ship Costa Concordia. No one knows exactly where Captain E.J. The first meet was a pool session where, for the first time in an underwater environment, the divers had a chance to meet all the team members and familiarize themselves with each others equipment. One of the most famous involved the HMS Birkenhead, which wrecked off the coast of South Africa in 1852 while transporting British troops to war. Several of the ship's crew, notably Capt. Should oxygen levels drop below those required by the diver, O2 can be computationally or manually injected into the system from an onboard cylinder to replenish the supply. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Many famous naval disasters happen far out at sea, but on January 13, 2012, the Costa Concordia wrecked just off the coast of an Italian island in relatively shallow water. The moment was immortalized by Rudyard Kipling as the "Birkenhead drill." The weather conditions became so severe that Avranas determined it best to abandon ship and hope for rescue from nearby vessels or helicopters. INVESTMENTS INVOLVE RISK AND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Realising the fate of the ship, the crew reportedly fled in panic, neglecting the standard procedure of closing the lower deck portholes. He also knew that its 20 lifeboats, with a total capacity of 1,178, couldnt begin to accommodate the more than 2,200 passengers and crew members aboard. Seamen have expressed almost universal outrage at Capt. Many scenarios have been done, my brother. Unbelievable but true - an account of the terrifying conditions on the OCEANOS on 4 August 1991 when it became obvious that not only was the position of the ship unknown, but the whereabouts of the captain and some crew as well. The ship they spotted in the distance didnt answer, but several others did. "He's given the industry a bad name, he's made us all look bad. What is glucosamine and fish oil good for? CASE STUDY: SINKING OF THE OCEANOS The South African coast is well Cruise captain sparks outrage among mariners - CBS News Realizing the ships fate, the crew fled in panic, neglecting to close the lower deck portholes, which is standard policy during emergency procedures. The unfitted ventilation pipe was said to have left a 10cm hole in the watertight bulkhead between the generator and the sewerage tank. None of the 571 passengers drowned. But witnesses said he appeared on the bridge of the Titanic just moments later, asking what the storied ship, making its maiden voyage across the Atlantic, had struck. An iceberg, sir, First Officer William Murdoch replied. In more than 40 years at sea he had rarely been involved in an accident and never held accountable for one. At this stage, eyewitness accounts reveal that many of the crew, including Captain Avranas, were already packed and ready to depart. What happened to the captain and crew of the Oceanos? I wouldnt recommend this wreck to anyone but the best technical divers who really know what theyre doing.. Michael O Mahoney, a passenger remembers at least 30 crew members got on the first boat, while the captain left on a helicopter while passengers were still on deck. The Oceanos had been on its usual route along the South African coast when it encountered heavy rains and gale-force winds. It was abject cowardice.". The lights went out and the ship got an unusual inclination, but none of the crew advised us, he says in telephone communication from Ireland. REBELLION RESEARCH ADVISORS, L.P. IS A REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISER AND NOT FOR PROFIT EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH THINK TANK. This day turned out much better than expected. Soon after the collision, he and other officers saw what they believed to be the lights of a nearby ship. He speaks five foreign languages, originally from Kasos, but was born in Egypt. Epirotiki Line. Bubbles moved toward the stern and then back again to amidships. [1] He was married to British national Davina Avrana.[3]. The generators had been shorted, and the supply of power to the engines had been severed. WATCH: Full episodes of When Big Things Go Wrong online now. Although Smith had ordered the boats uncovered some 40 minutes earlier, he didnt give the order to begin loading and lowering them until Second Officer Charles Lightoller reminded him by asking, Hadnt we better get the women and children into the boats, sir?. He had set sail for a sandy area at four miles, which he had found on the map. The international and some Greek media condemned the attitude of Captain Yiannis Avranas. Share; Posted May 23, 2010. Her captain, Yiannis Avranas, and some of the crew were convicted of negligence for fleeing the ship without helping the passengers, who were subsequently rescued thanks to the efforts of the ship's entertainers, who made a mayday transmission, launched lifeboats, and helped South African Marines land on the ship from naval helicopters. Meanwhile, he told the ships two wireless operators to get ready to transmit distress signals. Jim Staples, a captain for 20 years, who spoke Wednesday from a 1,000-foot cargo vessel he was captaining near New Orleans, said captains are duty-bound to stay with the ship until the situation is hopeless. Captain of White Star Liner, RMS Titanic, Commander Edward J. Smith, c. 1911. After evacuating, the 105 meter long ship began to sink. STOCKHOLM - Seafaring tradition holds that the captain should be last to leave a sinking ship. Those who did earned instant infamy, like the captain of the Greek luxury liner Oceanos, which sank in rough seas off South Africa in 1991. The cruise ship had sailed with seven beauforts. I wanted to go down to the deck, where they were left lying on the floor, covered with blankets, passengers and crew members who sang to get courage. During the ensuing trial, prosecutors came up with a tabloid-ready explanation: The married ship captain had sailed it so close to the island to impress a much younger Moldovan dancer with whom he was having an affair. "[10], Captain Avranas received extensive media coverage as an example of unprofessional behaviour whilst in command. All Rights Reserved. I sure hope he's no longer a ship's captain anywhere! It remains so potent because of the almost mythic authority invested in ship captains, Allen suggests. Coast Guard to capt. The ship started taking on water, rapidly flooding the engine room. Such callous words were spoken by Yiannis Avranas, captain of the Greek luxury liner Oceanos, which sank off the coast of South Africa in 1991. Through the confusion,the captain somehow made it into a lifeboat before everyone else had made it off. Two small ships in the vicinity were first on the scene, and provided the ship's coordinates to the South African authorities. The MV Oceanos was a 153m passenger ship, built in 1952 and designed to carry 550 passengers and 250 crew. Captains Uncourageous: Abandoning Ship Long Seen As A Crime In its investigative report on the 2012 disaster, Italys Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports found that the Concordia was sailing too close to the coastline, in a poorly lit shore areaat an unsafe distance at night time and at high speed (15.5 kts)., In his trial, Captain Schettino blamed the shipwreck on Helmsman Jacob Rusli Bin, who he claimed reacted incorrectly to his order; and argued that if the helmsman had reacted correctly and quickly, the ship wouldnt have wrecked. He remains incarcerated in a prison just outside of Rome, where he is expected to stay until he is around 80 years old. Regular drills ensure everyone knows what to do. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison. The reaction of the first engineer sabotaged the captains original plan. After the required decompression runtimes, the divers surfaced, and the team returned to shore. When the team arrived at the wreck marker buoys, it was evident that the current was almost non-existent and the wind and swell had all but disappeared. [citation needed], While trying to make up lost time, Oceanos encountered rough seas. It was owned by Epirotiki Lines of Greece and chartered at the time by a South African company, TFC Tours. The unethical, unprofessional prick are working as a Captain of a ferry in Greece. . . Avranas at the time defended his actions, saying he left the ship to direct rescue operations. There were 200 sailors on the ship as crew members. Still hoping to get the attention of the mysterious ship nearby, the captain ordered the firing of distress rockets at 12:45 a.m. At the same time, Boxhall tried to contact it with a signal lamp, flashing a plea for help in Morse code. I would avoid any cruise that involves a Greek ship! The international and some Greek media condemned the attitude of Captain Yiannis Avranas. Oceanos was briefly featured in the 1985 film Sky High and with another Epirotiki ship, Apollon XI, in the 1986 film Hardbodies 2. He says he lowered the switches, stopped the power generators and the ships engines. What happened to the Italian cruise ship captain? All 571 passengers and crew survived. Five divers, including the late Rehan Bouwer, made four attempts to reach the Oceanos, but only succeeded twice, and then only for a matter of minutes. He had apparently confused the Titanics partially enclosed promenade deck with the totally open one of her sister ship, Olympic, which he had previously commanded. [7][failed verification] The South African Navy, along with the South African Air Force, launched a mission to airlift the passengers and crew to the nearby settlements of The Haven and Hole in the Wall, about .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}10km (5+12nmi) south of Coffee Bay. Passengers thought the captain had left the ship. Brett and Paul penetrated the portside corridor behind the on-deck pool while Barry singularly explored the large dining hall area. [2] Divers have visited her, but strong currents make the dive difficult. It was also discussed in an episode of Nova on 18 April 2012, entitled, "Why Ships Sink", which focused mainly on the Costa Concordia accident (whose commanding officer also fled while passengers were still aboard).
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