It's just a normal Masterwork club, however, so save your money. You can pick up Masterwork shortswords from the dead goblins. Continue south to find a Giant Flytrap. Continue to the tower and the Ancient Roc will fly down to defend her nest. You can also target its relatively weak Will save with spells like Hold Monster. If you want to waste time, you can go back to Lake Silverstep Village and sympathise with Ollie's widow. When you've killed them, a Hamadryad and three Treants will attack. Start making your way back to the area entrance along the upper path. The one at the top of the room is locked (DC27) and contains minor loot. More enemies will come from the bandit camp, including the Fake Stag Lord himself who is a Bard. Next, head over near the house and search some herbs to score some Edible Moss , then muster the depths of your perception to pass a [Perception 1] check to reveal a stash containing . Because why not? Continue south at the junction and at the next junction, head east to reach the Technic League Hideout. Olika's room is the middle of the lower three rooms. This is a pain. If the lock is too tough for you, there's a key elsewhere in the area. If Jubilost is not in your party, you may want to sub him in (using the Group Manager screen; returning home will force plot developments that you may not want) because he can have a certain amount of character development in the upcoming dungeon and there are lots of swarms to deal with. There is a puzzle in the ruins to obtain a secret treasure. He wants you to bring him some Black Berries that grow nearby. Do not, however, give her the gemstones because that fails the quest or agree to "support" her since that costs you 1BP per week. This leads to an illustrated book episode. Ask him to show you on the map where to find her and head to Fey Glade. Afterwards, you can free the prisoners from their cages by clicking on the doors. The Hamadryad has 210HP and fast healing, together with the usual fey DR 10/cold iron and is more or less immune to most elemental damage. Afterwards, Amiri will mention the spirit that Akaia was ranting about. There are two groups, the second spawning when you get within melee distance of ranged fighters. Leave the area through the northeastern exit and you will be in an illustrated book episode. Keep an eye out for the Arch-Chemist behind the fence whom you may not initially spot until he starts lobbing bombs. If you select someone other than "Tsanna, Tedrim's maid", she will summon some assistance before attacking. Search the barrel outside the hut for the unique falchion, Beastrender. There is a hidden chest next to a hut containing a unique kukri, Mother's Care. You will unlock the Bird of Prey trophy for completing the hunt. Wizards and Alchemists can learn new spells from scrolls by right-clicking on them and selecting the "Copy to Spellbook" option. Return to the Hunting Lodge and report back to Jamel Visser who will declare you the winner. You should be able to turn in a bunch of artifacts to Storyteller: Cypress relics, Taldan relics, Forest Knight's Bracers and Ring of Reckless Courage. Head to Bridge Over the Gudrin River and start making your way east. Kill the Black Dweomerowlbear wandering around. They're fairly weak but take out the two Arch-chemists first before they inconvenience you. Your advisors will have something to ask of you. When they're all cleared, start heading north for an interesting vision about something called an "Everblooming Flower". OK, I'm clearing inventory before I hit Stag Lord Fort and I have a question: WTF am I supposed to do with the dryad tokens? The Shaman drops some great stuff: the unique Longshank Bane spear, a Breastplate +2, a Belt of Physical Form +4, the Paragon of Winter ring and the Taldan Spur (5/5). At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a Priest of Lamashtu. Cross over to the other side of the bridge and you will see that the road is blocked by bandits who are extorting passers-by. He tells you that his brother, Tomin, went missing on his way to Varnhold. The guards will probably hinder your efforts by surrounding the enemies. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews . "CLICK" means that you've pressed the correct switch in the sequence: The wall will open up, allowing you to grab the unique Skullcrusher heavy mace. Assign your General to this. Make your way down the path. Make your way there and head upstairs. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. You can take the time to claim resources in North Narlmarches, explore the Dire Narlmarches and maybe tackle the Tenebrous Depths if you've not done so already. Exactly what depends on what you did with Tsanna. Near the entrance you will find some escaped prisoners and a short distance after that, Kesten and his militiamen ineffectually fighting a large group of goblins. Continue left. When you catch up with the annoying Horsereaper, you can murder him or let him go. Like all good cowards, he brings his mates along, in this case four Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers who come from all sides. I got a bunch of items with Golden symbols, what are they for? Backtrack and make your way to the pond in the centre of the area. By "green jewels", she means an emerald. You can remove the top and bottom ones, but attempting to remove either of the middle two will trigger the encounter in this cave. Hopefully you kept one of the several you've picked up in your Personal Stash. If you were to use magic, it requires Heal. Pathfinders! He also tells you that goblins have started appearing anticipating the "day of glory for Lamashtu". You will find most of your equipment while adventuring, but can also buy equipment and items from stores. If you press them you will see either "CLICK" or "THUD". Continue forward and you will see your rivals in the hunt, the Embeth Travelers, slaughter an Ancient Wyvern after which you have some options. Regongar is all for chasing Janush while Octavia, rather more reasonably, suggests that you might prevent the trapped slaves from burning to death. Tell the Old Gnome that you have business to take care of to give yourself a chance to save your game and heal. If you ordered Kesten back to the capital, he and Jhod will join in (probably too late to contribute meaningfully), If you went to Womb of Lamashtu to rescue Kesten, Jhod will die from the injuries inflicted by this thing. The Ancient Wyvern is fairly powerful but the other two are quite weak. He offers Octavia and Regongar a place in the Technic League but they decide against it. Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag Ancient Rostlandic Coin Scorched Fragment of a Necklace Mandibles of a Huge Spider Token of the Dryad Rostovic Swordlords Empty Sheath Rostovic Rangers broken Arrow Rostovic Paladins Crumpled Helmet Welcome to our Official Pathfinder: Kingmaker walkthrough and guide brought to you in collaboration with Owlcat Games. Instead, head west along the path and clear another Primal Giant Spider and Spider Swarm. Pick your way carefully through the area. There's a rock you can search for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. There's a trap among the enemies that you may need to take care of. Select the Teleport button and you will see a list of possible destinations. Further discussion is interrupted by news that the peasants are revolting. This thread is archived . "How can this be?" Backtrack to the gate you ignored earlier. Loot a hidden cache nearby for some gold and gems. The goblin runs off to the north. Backtrack into the previous cavern and continue east. Don't sweat the alignment-locked option - it's inconsequential. When you kill one of the wyverns, the real threat will emerge: Moray, a Nereid, accompanied by a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Purple Dweomerowlbear. Basically, you have three choices as to what to do with Tsanna: It seems to me that merely being evil is no crime and that no crime has been carried out. If you go south from here, you will be able to go behind the first hydra pen. Wander around the Narlmarches for an indeterminate amount of time and you will eventually have a scripted encounter. Drop down the ledge at the bottom of the cave and make your way west to the cave entrance. She will want you to get a bottle of wine from Elina so that she can "steal Ekun for a moment". If you have a couple of days (i.e. Your quest will update but don't go before you collect the loot. On your way back west, stop off at Bridge Over the Gudrin River if you strongarmed Tigni in the Goblin Fort. Click on the campfire to rest and when you awaken, click on the dais again to obtain the Bird Bones. When they leave, loot the cart for some provisions, including a very valuable First World Fruit. When you cross the Crooked River, head south (note that you cannot go further east into Varnhold at this time). You will find Sharel a short distance to the southwest, having been arrested by a guard. After some more back and forth, you will leave the camp. Either way, you will have a message to convey to Kimo. If you want to clear the map, you can go northwest towards where you fought the Owlbear and kill the three Greater Dire Bears in your way. Fire and cold iron will stop it regenerating. Head west further into the camp. Just north of the Owlbears are another three Great Worgs, one of whom starts out stealthed. You will find the flower growing in the area where the Owlbears were (or still are if you didn't kill them). There's nothing much to see in the lodge at this time. Return to Varrask who tells you that the hammer must be hardened in the blood of a sworn enemy. When it finishes, interact with the water. Accept your reward or punishment as appropriate since you benefit either way. If you let her live, Tsanna tells you that she will be at the Shrine of Lamashtu if you want to speak to her. Behind the first hut are a couple of crates, one of which contains minor loot while the other contains a Token of the Dryad. Backtrack to the centre of the town and head south. If you want to complete your circuit of the camp, head southeast. They're still dangerous in packs so get the drop on them and use something like Fascinate to manage them. Buff up, equip cold iron weapons and head east. Allow him to do so. Cross the river where you can now go southwest (previously you were not able to) and you will reach it. However, you're almost done and there's still another pack of wolves to kill on this map - an Alpha Worg and three Greater Worgs on the way to the area exit. Do not simply have the agent thrown out because that will lock you out of their companion quest. There is a trap just inside the gate and beyond that a group of around ten goblins. Ask about the three wishes and she will name her second wish: berry wine from Kyonin or Elven Absinth. Otherwise, you'll learn that she is hunting a gang of ruthless bandits led by - you guessed it - Varrask. The Hunting Lodge is a short distance to the east of your capital. Before continuing, pick a Kameberry (a rare cooking ingredient) and grab some minor loot from a stump. Point out that his prices are three times higher than anyone else's and you have a number of options. The Tedrims aren't here for hunting, but there's also nothing that marks either of them out as a priest or priestess of a forbidden cult. Equip cold iron weapons and head slightly northeast from the ex-hydra where you will find three rather more powerful Primal Hydras. After killing it, search among the rocks to the east for a Torag's Pendant. Tsanna is most suspicious - she has a limp, has come in through the back door, has burnt something in the fireplace and is cooking something that isn't a meal. You will have a good / evil choice to make but it seems to me that the evil choice is simply dumb. Search a crate near a rock outcrop for a pair of Bracers of Armor +4. You will find Verdel outside Kaessi's house. Buff up if you need to and tell Kesten you're ready. This isn't as good as you might think, since it is only powerful against animals, which aren't really a threat, rather than magical beasts which are. Back on the world map, bring up kingdom management and build Mim's Jewelry Shop. Weapons with elemental damage are also effective. Hug the left side so that you go up the path on the left. Your enemies are two 8th level fighters, a 10th level fighter who's a bit tougher than the others and an 8th level priest. Search the Primal Manticore's remains for the Cypress Queen's Crown (5/5). Besides Dumra, everyone's story is inconsistent. The enemies are all 5th to 7th level. Grab the Hydra's Head from its remains. The next time Kimo drops something off, he will ask you to visit him again. Engage the lantern and head to the northeast corner of the map where you will find four Doomspiders. Grand Diplomat to 3/60 (unlocks Aviaries and the Minister post). Climb the hillock to the south of him and search the undergrowth for the Taldan Horseshoe (4/5). If you exhaust their conversation options, you can choose to abandon the hunt. There are three Quickspiders and two Doomspiders close to your starting position. There's a locked chest (DC34) in the camp containing a diamond and some diamond dust. Continue to the end of the path and search among the rocks for a Taldan Snaffle (3/5). Speak to her and you will have a number of options. The next time you see him, Kimo will seem rather crestfallen. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. After you kill the Owlbear that emerges, Urkhed is pretty ungrateful, all things considered. When she's dead grab the Blood of the Murderer of Varrask's Family from her remains along with a Belt of Giant Strength +2, an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and a Cloak of Resistance +2. Head north from here where you will find Hyland and a group of guards fighting a pair of Venomhydras and a Venomanticore. Warning the public may help you later, so I suggest you choose one of the "Chaotic" options. This gives you time get your barony onto a solid footing - rank up your advisors, establish a second town, maybe conduct a little more Curse research. The Hunting Grounds are immediately north of the lodge. Cross over the Crooked River and head south (this is the route you took to Talon Peak earlier). Continue southeast down the path. Backtrack to the previous cave and take the northeast passage. Otherwise, don't trust Kesten's instincts. I won't give suggestions for managing your kingdom in the walkthrough text, but priorities for Act 3 are: You can build to help raise a stat to 60. If you continue north, you will trigger an assault from a large group of Primal Giant Spiders and Doomspiders. If you feel ready, speak to Kesten to point the finger at a culprit. Head north and you should unmask two more Doomspiders. a) Token of the Dryad, Cypress Queen's Flower; b) Wand of Burning Arc (27 charges). A goblin will open the gate to a Hydra pen. When it's dead, speak to the bound goblin, Nok-Nok. Instead, meet them in the tavern. Afterwards, raid its nest for the Roc Egg that you've come here for. As you make your way west, you will face a Poisonous Hydra - the bandits weren't lying about that. The first part is played out as an illustrated book episode. Killing it will aggro the rest of the nearby creatures - two Quickbears, a Black Dweomerowlbear and another Quickhydra. This is a mechanically annoying fight because you start at extreme distance which means that most of your party will have to waste a round getting into range. Add to Cart. Travel to Silvershire and speak to Mim. I particularly enjoyed her opinion of each of her children: "a disgusting abomination - without a single flaw". He tells you that he needs some Inubrix to reforge it and then you might find some in a Technic League camp. If you bring up kingdom management, you will have an event card that demands your presence in the throne room, "Unrest in the Streets". Five cultists will arrive to conduct some sort of ritual. When the Shaman is defeated, turn your attention to the Winter Wolf. Start making your way west where you will encounter a Black Dweomerowlbear and a Greater Enraged Owlbear. Choose to throw the bird's bones in and you will have a second option. If you don't pass the initial DC18 Persuasion check, reload. Let the spiders come to you and disable the trap. While you're fighting these, you'll probably aggro the next group of enemies as well, including two Alchemists. Take the skins back to Sharel who promises to see Morhalan arrested. Fionn himself will waste rounds self-buffing so use that to your advantage. You will find the Pitaxian contingent lounging by a campfire. You will find a Sickle +2 lying on the ground. Buy A Pouch of Feather Tokens from The Old Beldame in the Swamp Witch's Hut area. If you head north, you will be attacked from two fronts by worgs which puts you at a disadvantage. Search under a rock for the final Shard of Knight's Bracers (10/10). Having obtained this, go through the patch of fog just below and to your right. If Kesten went to the Womb of Lamashtu first, things will play out slightly differently in this section. If you have more time than that, reload the save you made earlier and do the Mother of Monsters quest instead. When the enemies are dead, loot the Hamadryad for a Speed Composite Longbow +2, a Ring of Protection +2, a pair of Bracers of Archery and a Cloak of Resistance +1. Start making your way up the path. After you've killed it you can find a Token of the Dryad in the undergrowth. However, there's somewhere that you want to locate first. Search a rock just beneath it for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. When you get back to your capital, give the Roc Egg to Elina for a decent reward. The Six Bears Camp is in the west of the North Narlmarches, close to the East Sellen River. Continue down to the repurposed torture chamber and buff up - a potion of Heroism is good for the skill checks. Buff up majorly and head through the Hidden Creephole. Make your way to the Hunting Grounds (which hopefully you made safe) and go east to find the location of the party (it's marked on your map). Search under a rock for another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. If you refuse to fight her, you will lock yourself out of a masterwork weapon and, in the long term, a trophy. This leads to a good / evil choice that is harder than most. Save your game, travel to the Secluded Lodge and enter. You can speak to the people who stay behind. Linzi is one of your companions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, she is a bard, consider develop her into a supportive character. If you side with Jhod, the skill checks that will need to make (Athletics, Mobility, Lore: Nature or Diplomacy) are much harder but more rewarding if you pass. He tells you that the witch who slew his family can be found in the Secluded Lodge. You see the clue about the limp if you succeeded in the second series of checks in the illustrated book episode (the Stealth check is trivial for Nok-Nok or Ekun). Afterwards, you can raid their nest for two Owlbear Eggs. At some point, you will have a scripted encounter with a group of travellers. If you do fail the ability check, you will need to pass a DC20 Intimidation or Perception check, so you may want to select an ability check that you're less likely to pass if you are guaranteed success on the second check. Kill the enemies and search the body to find a Chest of Genuine Gemstones. When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. You can reassure her or extort money from her. If you ask about where you are, you can make a Knowledge (Aracana) check to deduce that you are in the First World. The enemies drop Masterwork weapons or minor magic items. Search a chest on the northern wall for a Shock Greatsword +1. When you visit your throne room, Linzi will come to you with the suggestion that you throw a party for Ekundayo to cheer him up, initiating his first companion quest. He says that trophies will be awarded for killing the three dire monsters and that whoever brings two or more heads back will be declared victors. This will unlock a piece of Curse research. like the Dryad Tokens and what not. However you come by a Unicorn Horn, give it to Irlene to complete her quest. In case you're wondering, you still can't go further east. Continue north to the town centre where you will fight two Owlbears, a Ferocious Wyvern, a Yellow Dweomerwyvern and a Yellow Dweomermanticore. She tells you to talk to Ollie's wife, Lidika, who can be found in Lake Silverstep. If you look here, you will see that this leaves five days to kill. It seems that Tigni has been profiteering. The result of the vivisection - regardless of choice - is a seed that summons a monster. The Poacher's Hideout is between Thorn Ford and Old Mesa. During the performance, push Ekun closer to Elina. Trapped Chest (Perception DC 22 to see the chest, DC 26 to see the trap, Trickery DC 22 to disarm): Gloves of Dueling (+4 to CMD against disarm; +2 bonus to the Weapon Training ability if the wielder has the ability). Afterwards, you get to question the Shaman. Clear a trap nearby and search among the rocks to the south for a Token of the Dryad. Head east through the gap to the south of Verdel's Smithy and you will find a bunch of guards fighting against a Purple Dweomerowlbear, a pair of Red Dweomerwyverns and other miscellaneous creatures.
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