I agree wholeheartedly. Leaf partnered with a clinical team of neurologists and neuroscience practitioners to further review the efficacy of her work using blood measure testing and QEEG assessment, both of which have revealed statistically significant mental health improvement for Neurocycle users. Caroline Leaf & Kenneth Copeland - 5 Steps to Rewire and Detox Your Brain. God gave us a brain, its appropriate that we actually use it. Here is the dialog with my pastor about her EXTREMELY BLATENT false teaching! With over thirty years in research and study, she delves into Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess with these five simple steps to help reduce our anxieties, stress, and toxic thinking. 1:7). If you want to discuss in detail I suggest setting up a meeting. Ok, well I will look further and read your post again. Specifically, Newson and Thiagarajan (2019) call for researchers to contribute to the creation of a large QEEG database of data that might be assessed altogether. Every time we learn new information, we grow more dendrites. She has found a niche, pretending to be a scientist in a closed community of mostly non-scientists who simply accept what she teaches because of the platform given to her from people who should be more discerning and apply due process to the information allowed from their pulpits. Dr Leaf also used the same scripture to try and explain how the woman with the issue of blood managed to obtain her healing [1: p111]. And lastly, people wouldnt be mentally ill and dying 15-25 years earlier now verses 60 years ago, if we just adjusted our lifestyle choices by 1)eating 2) sleeping 3) exercising Leaf. Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf - Audiobook - Audible.com Her passion is to help people see the power of the mind and teach them how to control their thoughts and emotions, and learn how to think and findtheir sense of purpose in life. Did she share thought provoking content? They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (Matt 7:15), Also, But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. When bumps and lollipops grow into mushrooms, you have built long term memory. Read: 1 Corinthians 3:16, Ephesians 2:10, 3 John 1:2. She said this in her 2013 book [1: p35], and several times on her social media streams. Any work that is new always needs perfecting, but if you are detractors rather than encouragers we will never be able to breakthrough to new ideas and technology. Leaf has been invited to present her work at hundreds of corporate and academic institutions, including Fortune 500 companies and the highest ranked universities in Africa. Dr Caroline Leaf | SpiritMindBody Connection The Bible calls these toxic thinking patterns sin. Heather Riggleman is a believer, wife, mom, author, social media consultant, and full-time writer. Youre welcome to agree with Dr Leaf if you want to, but please dont pretend that your agreement based on your own life experiences is science. What I heard troubled me, and I blogged about my concerns to open a dialogue on Dr Leaf and her teaching. Dr Leaf even goes so far as to say that our thoughts can control physical matter! Pingback: the truth about anxiety - ryan's blog. No better time to introduce these strategies than now. Leaf for a friend, but Ive been having a hard time finding any other scientific reviews of her teachings from experts in the fields she reportedly works in. I belong to you and I have a destiny! Miraculous Brain - With David Rives and Dr. Caroline Leaf on TBN It is unnatural not to. You are going to activate a miracle in your life. Jakes on Mental Health, Spirituality & Racism + How He Deals with Anxiety Dr. Caroline Leaf 3y Today we have psychotropic (anti-psychotic) drugs which turn them into life-long patients. These are bold statements that require more facts and credibility than your speakers opinion. In this devotional based on her bestselling book, Dr. Caroline Leaf combines current scientific research with biblical teaching to help readers understand the power of their thoughts and how to transform their minds. To get as close to it as possible is the main task of humanity. The dimensias, cancers, cardial vascular track back to genetic mutations that track back to incorrect signals. Essentially, there are no formal scientific reviews of her teachings from experts in the fields she reportedly works in, specifically because she doesnt work in those fields. Dr Leaf has flourished in a vacuum of accountability and the only way that she will be held accountable is if the grass-roots members of the church stand up for the truth. We assume that the Emperor must be wearing something because the trusted ministers and noblemen are holding his imaginary train high in the air. The speaker was for the most part a false teacher, and you should be happy I have some discernment in this area. Access a growing selection of included Audible Originals, audiobooks and podcasts. How to creata Metacog for Dr Leaf Neurocycle - YouTube Dr. Caroline Leaf Brain Scientist, Author, Speaker https://drleaf.com "Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth." Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC (, The study will provide a detailed picture of changes in mindfulness, mind management skills, and mental-health-related issues in adult populations. She is one of the most renowned authors and speakers in the western Christian world. NeuroImage 2002 Apr;15(4):983-91. Personally, I doubt that anyone who puts enough thought into Dr Leafs teaching would end up agreeing with her, but thats up to them, not up to me. Hi Dr. Pitt, 9. I understand now. In the last days (I believe we are there now), we will see these things again, 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Here is an excellent link to a sermon by Charles Spurgeon called The Carnal Mind Enmity against God. http://www.spurgeon.org/sermons/0020.htm My question for you is why would we invite a speaker in to teach false doctrine, leaving many confused and in pursuit of incorrect theology (theology = the study of God) when the teaching at River Valley Church is consistently excellent, week after week after week? Makes one wonder what your deep seeded motivation is thats driving your relentless and sustained verve to nail Ms Leaf at the cross? The development of a model for geodesic learning"; Dr Caroline Leaf. Article Images Copyright , 7 Biblical Affirmations to Heal Your Thoughts, 8 Reasons for Church Hurt and How to Heal From It: Part 2, 7 Strategies for Living a Successful Life. Dr. Caroline Leaf 3y A Conversation with Bishop T.D. We will all be judged for what we teach or allow to be taught in our sphere of influence about the things of God, so never mind my email. Dr Leafs use of this scripture is misleading. Lets say your spouse is not as thrilled with you as they were a couple of years ago. Its fine to tear a house down whose foundations you think are not sound. One source said she is morman. Thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts. She has endorsements from Joyce Meyer, Bobbie Houston, and a number of other pre-eminent Christian pastors. Again, its up to you if you want to believe the PR narrative of Dr Leafs selfless perfection, but its a facade. I contend that its very important that were not wilfully ignorant. Actually I noticed the same things he or she did and whilst reading the same posts he was referring to, I did sense that you were not being nice. Over the past few decades, many studies have contributed to utilizing electroencephalography (EEG) measurements to assess mental health through correlations between historically pre-defined frequency bands in the power spectrum alpha, beta, delta, theta, and gamma and specific mental health conditions (Newson & Thiagarajan, 2019). Their mindfulness development and mental health were assessed by the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) scale before and after the program. Dr Leafs teachings are not supported by science, nor by scripture. We assume information to be true because others in authority tell us it is. People who hold this view are called materialists. No matter how I struggle or what issues I am working through, you are still perfecting me day by day. Also I am not implying mental illness is a sin but God does help people in this area through doctors , Jesus, loving others etc. What, pray tell, are you giving? The truth. University of Cape Town South Africa Degree of Bachelor of Science (Logopaedics) - December 1985, University of Pretoria South Africa Masters in Communication Pathologywith distinction/cum laude - June 1990, University of Pretoria South Africa Doctor Philosophiae with specialization in Communication Pathology With distinction/cum laude and academic honors - May 1997. Think, Learn, Succeed Curriculum Kit: Dr. Caroline Leaf: 9780801093562 How is one supposed to know what is good if no critique is offered, if only one position is provided? With this training and Neurocycle tool I will be able to help them in an effective, powerful, and sustainable way. Good luck with everything, and all the best to you! Any health or other benefit beyond that is a subjective bonus. You will protect my mind and my thoughts as I drift off to sleep. Youre welcome to your opinion John. Dr Leaf hasnt performed any university based research since her PhD was published in 1997. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace. Believe me, if I wanted to vilify Dr Leaf I wouldnt need to put all the work into refuting her work scientifically. Dr Leaf finds scriptures where one version mentions words like thinking or choice, isolates them from their context and reinterprets them to suit her meaning, rather the actual meaning of the verse in the original language and the original context. Brain Detox She teaches that thoughts cause stress, when again, the evidence is the opposite psychological stress starts as a subconscious process which changes our stream of thoughts. Your position is certainly very gracious, even magnanimous. Critics and sceptics love to use any opportunity they can to embarrass the church, but by parading our own naivety, were simply embarrassing ourselves. So while Dr Leaf may claim that her research has changed the learning and lives of thousands of students all over the world, but her own published research disputes her claims. She found that toxic thoughts such as stress, worry, unforgiveness, and anger actually cause damage to our brains. I realize that Dr. Carolyn Leaf did not suggest anyone just go cold turkey off their meds, but we did not hear Dr. Carolyn Leaf last weekend. Even after Jesus left this earth, healing remained a crucial ministry of the Holy Spirit through his disciples. Her most passionate statements were in relations to what our thoughts can do for us.
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