In a country plagued by joblessness, embittered by loss of territory, and demoralized by ineffective government, political demonstrations frequently turned violent. In Russia, for example, Putin devolved pandemic decisionmaking to regional officials more accustomed to executing his orders than responding to local citizens concerns. - Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system These crackdowns impede effective public health responses, given that civil society can be a crucial partner to governmentsespecially for authoritarians with weak state capacity, such as those in many countries in Africa, former Soviet states, and the Middle Eastin terms of collecting and distributing accurate and timely health-related information and delivering resources and care. Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Through violence, they had become what one historian called, "a. Will the Invasion of Ukraine Change Russia-Africa Relations? Finally, the outcome of the campaign affirmed the Fascist view that, at the end of the day, violent struggle led to power. In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. Battle for Lira: Fail (tried to revalue Lira but artificially raised value which resulted in declining exports), -Breeders 97. Discuss with reference to two authoritarian leaders. Some democratic leaders have displayed weakness and avoidance, tried to suppress contrary voices, failed to work effectively with local authorities, and refrained from implementing much-needed public health measures out of concern about their economic impact. The purge created an environment of intense political terror. Beijing on Monday sought to defuse the row. There, tensions over pay and work conditions had put landowning farmers in conflict with Socialist-backed workers. This article details some of those experiments. Mussolini came to power eleven years before Hitler did, and Italian Fascists were active as early as 1919. Try as they will to distort reality and spin fables, the many nondemocratic leaders and regimes that have stumbled in tackling the pandemic now face citizens with powerful new grounds for grievance and distrust. Thomas Carothers is senior vice president for studies and the Harvey V. Fineberg Chair for Democracy Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Organized into collective action by the state, young people supplied political energy to Fascism in Italy and elsewhere. A new and unfamiliar democratic form of governmentthe Weimar Republicreplaced the authoritarian empire and immediately faced daunting challenges. Of the many fascist states that emerged between the two world wars, Hitler's Germany was the most notoriousbut Mussolini's Italy was the first. (1) How did Fidel Castro rise to power in Cuba? It started with a string of violent clashes in the northern part of Italy beginning in 1920. - How did Cuba survive this economic crisis according to Balfour? The German banking system collapsed, and by 1930 unemployment skyrocketed to 22%. 20. Under the emergency decree, they could be terrorized, beaten and held indefinitely. This had important consequences, because colonial policy in Ethiopia provided the basis for Italy's antisemitic race laws in 1938. You should be looking at the title, author, headings, pictures, and opening sentences of paragraphs for the gist. How consistent was this vision to Cuba in reality? Germanys fledgling democracy was profoundly tested by the crumbling of old values and fears of what might come next. World history topic 10: Authoritarian states (20th century) This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. Antisemitism (discrimination against Jews) defined Nazism in Germany, but that was not exactly the case with Italian Fascism, at least before 1938. First he attacked the Greek island of Corfu. Lack of leadership. Some burned it for fuel. 'Hitler and his party would never have come to power without the severe economic and political crisis that engulfed Germany from 1929 onwards' - Overy. In the Reichstag (parliament) elections of May 2, 1928, the Nazis received only 2.6 percent of the national vote, a proportionate decline from 1924, when the Nazis received 3 percent . The independent sovereign nations that emerged after the fall of the former Soviet Union dont have effective status under international law because there is not an international agreement confirming their status as sovereign nations, he said. Real estate prices soared to $12 a metre to $200 in 1941-57. 94 - How Communist was Castro? Thus unlike minorities in Italy, Ethiopians were viewed by most Fascists as barbaric "others" who could never become Italian. Four key weaknesses are manifest. In this way, the imperialist thinking drove Italian policy in more radical directions. Inflation was threatening the living standards of all Cubans, rising to 40% a year for foodstuffs whilst pay levels stagnated. Dont assume western democracy will last forever, Ukraine ammunition depot reportedly hit in wave of Russian missile attacks. The Fascists learned that paramilitary violence was an effective political tool. That meant they could hinder the Fascist agenda, if they wanted. The French president caused anger and alarm when he said Europe needed to avoid getting drawn into a US-China conflict over crises that are not ours, namely the status of Taiwan. Japan still had a problem of too few natural resources, and they needed minerals, timber, and oil from abroad. (Nov 2009), Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power ofoneruler of a single-party state. A rising authoritarian wave. Discuss with refto two authoritarian states. Despite the cutting-edge manipulative tactics and tricks of many authoritarian regimes, they are not immune from what is perhaps the central political imperative of this century: the steadily rising demands of citizens almost everywhere for capable, effective governance. Mistake #2: Using The Terms Interchangeably. Hitler spoke to the SA, his army of storm troopers. In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, and used similar harsh tactics. Mussolini's war against Ethiopia in 1935 brought race into focus as a Fascist concern. (May 2008, TZ2), Evaluate the successes and failures of one ruler of a single-party state. . A major issue with the parliamentary system of Weimar Germany was the constant change of who exactly was in charge. In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws. In someincluding Algeria, Armenia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Sudanprotests have driven leaders out of power. We have won power in Germany. Discuss (a) the ideology of, and (b) . 2. Germany was forced to accept full responsibility for starting the war and to pay heavy reparations. Adolf Hitler was not elected to office and he did not have to seize power. Amy Elizabeth Robinson is a freelance writer, editor, and historian with a Ph.D. in the History of Britain and the British Empire from Stanford University. Aims and results of policies: social, economic, political, cultural. Graded student examples with one case study. Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states (15) Economic factors play a major role in any nation and as authoritarian states rise and fall throughout The modern Italian soldier on the stamp is dressed like a Roman legionnaire. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. This resulted in the Great Purge of 1936-38. They did not use race. -Political instability. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the article. By 1938, the Nazis were physically expelling some Jews and debating massive resettlement plans. In a tightly controlled referendum on Sunday, Uzbeks voted on changes that would extend presidential terms from five to seven years and allow Mirziyoyev to serve two more terms. Such movements were a common feature of interwar fascism. Beijing has insisted it respects the status of the independent nations that emerged from the USSR after totally unacceptable remarks by Chinas ambassador to France questioning the sovereignty of former Soviet states sparked outrage in EU capitals. Social and economic policies in authoritarian states did not always achieve their aims.. In 1923, he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government. - DAMAGEdamages relationship with France and Britain How did Mussolini strengthen the power of the Fascist party? The Nazis were revolutionaries who wanted to radically transform Germany. ROMAN CATHOLICISM= official state religion of Italy, Authoritarian control was never completely achieved bc M had to SHARE power with TRADITIONAL italian groups such as the monarchy and the catholic church. Why were some Italian Fascists unhappy with Mussolinis early years in power? The use of force was the most important method used to maintain power in authoritarian states.. The Fascists saw that the liberal state was weak and vulnerable to challenge. They had to be conquered or excluded from the Italian nation. Green Politics Could Have an Outsized Impact on Trkiyes Elections, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program. 'Domestic policy rarely managed to achieve its aims', Discuss how far you agree with this statement with reference to two authoritarian states you have studied, both from different regions. The theoretical framework of this study on democratic and authoritarian post-colonial states is based on an historical study of the emergence of the dominant class forces that shaped the types of regimes found in Malaysia and Indonesia. 3. But they are a minority in the authoritarian camp, and regimes with relatively successful pandemic responses are not guaranteed to reap political benefits from their actions. HItler a Career" by Joachim Fest - the preview: Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Standards of behavior were changing. It's obvious to usnowthat the rise of authoritarianism, including fascism, was paving the way for leaders in many countries to command the obedience of whole populations, even when these leaders began to order the killing of civilians. 80-81 - What threat did the US pose to this 'new' Cuba? But Beijing is nonetheless working to amplify authoritarianism around the world. The democratic nature of the Weimar Republic paradoxically led directly to the creation of Nazi authoritarian state, as it created an environment of expression and new ideas in which Nazism flourished. This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. How successful was Castro's domestic policy in meeting his aims for Cuba? leader contribute to the rise to power of that leader. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system, 2.) David has worked for two academic journals, Posted 2 years ago. What are two of the ways Fascism took shape in the Po Valley? To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Topic 10 Authoritarian states (20th century) 19. (May 2009. Conditions in China before 1911 Until the 19th century, China was a very conservative nation. The leaders of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan both responded to the arrival of the virus by outright denying its presence in their countries. How was Stalin similar to and different from Hitler and Mussolini? The Path to Nazi Genocide, NARRATOR: 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW Some have, in fact, exhibited valuable decisiveness and clarity when confronted with the coronavirus. Of course, some democracies have struggled with some or all of these challenges in their pandemic responses. It declared a state policy of overt discrimination against Africans, Arabs, and Jews. (Nov 10)), Analyse the circumstances that helpedoneright-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. The projection of national power overseas resonated with many Italians. With a lack of guidance from the top, disorder among the governors ensued, as some officials adopted measures the Kremlin criticized as excessive and others took measures that were deemed insufficient. - How was land reform implemented from 1950s onwards? The conquest of Ethiopia prompted Fascists to set harsher boundaries of who could be assimilated and who could not. More than one third of all German men aged 19 to 22 were killed. President Hindenburg signed a decree that suspended all basic civil rights and constitutional protections, providing the basis for arbitrary police actions. Infighting among elites also has emerged: when the mayor of Moscow took initiative in response to the virus and ordered people to stay home, users on Telegraman app that permits citizens to share information and anonymously criticize each otherlambasted him. You should include the following ideas from the unit content of Paper 2 Topic Authoritarian States: Emergence of the State. And despite their differences, the fact that they all happened in a similar time period suggests that there was some global pattern making them all possible. Taking advantage of new modes and media that emerged in the early twentieth century, these . When the government chose not to intervene in this conflict, the Fascists used the fighting to gain power in the region. When they seized power, Fascists had hoped to take over the Italian state completely. 4.5/5. Many political parties had their own paramilitary units to attack opponents and intimidate voters. 1 E TNOPOLTKA ARATIRMALARI DERGS f2 ETNOPOLTKA ARATIRMALARI DERGS Alt aylk yaygn sreli uluslararas dergi mtiyaz Sahibi: Gler Kalay Genel Yayn Ynetmeni/Editr: Gler Kalay Yayn Kurulu: Prof. Havva KK ARSLAN, skdar niversitesi, Trkiye Prof. Babak REZVANI, Amsterdam niversitesi . It may be all, some, or none: Photo of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini walking besides decorated members of the Italian military. the authoritarian state with such a memorable moniker. We can see how Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and others began to attack journalists, control the flow of information, and stir up nationalism by persecuting ethnic minorities or invading desirable lands. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social . Fascist squads racked up wins as they marched through the provinces crushing socialists, intimidating liberals, and deposing agents of the state. TEXT ON SCREEN: In late December 2019, for instance, Chinese authorities silenced and reprimanded Li Wenliang, a Wuhan Central Hospital doctor who warned of the initial outbreak. Could a Long-Ruling Party Fall in Paraguay? We include resources for teaching with limited class time, for English/Language Arts, and for History classes. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1.) Authoritarian states (20th century) Emergence of authoritarian states Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the Examine the impact of the foreign policy of two authoritarian states on the maintenance of power in those states. Many Germans felt a new hope and confidence in the future of their country with the prospect of a bold, young charismatic leader. While downplaying more extreme goals, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party offered simple solutions to Germanys problems, exploiting peoples fears, frustrations, and hopes to win broad support. To what extent did popular support for the aims and ideology of one . Yet many other authoritarian or authoritarian-leaning leaders have shown startling weakness in facing the pandemic, falling back on deeply ingrained habits of lying to deny inconvenient facts, spin conspiracy theories, and create alternative realities. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. Yet this discouraging near-term political picture becomes less ominous, or at least less clear-cut, if one looks down the road. The EUs top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said the bloc would reassess and recalibrate our strategy towards China, adding that foreign ministers would discuss Lus statements as part of planned EU talks on China on Monday. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system, 2.) Photo of young Italian boys wearing Ballilla uniforms. Thus, despite the spike in repressive measures that the coronavirus has produced so far, the medium- to long-term prospects for many authoritarian governments are less certain today than they were before the pandemic hit. But the Nazis never received more than 38% of the vote in a free national election. Both emerged as democratic post-colonial states. 95-6. These failings are likely to have negative long-term consequences for these regimes. Summarise how Castro established control, and how he dealt with external and internal enemies 'Maintenance of power was reliant upon the silencing of opposition". And indeed, rising instability, aggression, racism, and fear triggered the eruption of the Second World War. Now that youve skimmed the article, you should preview the questions you will be answering. At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to these questions: In this unit we see the rise of governments that have certain political characteristics. How was authoritarianism implemented in Italy? Thomas Carothers, co-director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peaces Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, is a leading expert on comparative democratization and international support for democracy. What did this demonstrate about. Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the use of force; propaganda. These groups, he claimed, were biologically different from "western Mediterranean" and European people. Germanys territory was reduced by 13%. (May 2009, TZ1), To what extent was the ruler of one single-party state successful in achieving his aims? Do you see any of them flying around? EU leaders are expected to discuss China policy in June after a recent trip by Emmanuel Macron exposed differences in approach towards handling Xi Jinpings authoritarian rule. Ultimately, however, the Fascists were unable to achieve the kind of totalitarian, authoritarian system they had envisioned. The NSDAP, after becoming reallowed as a political party in 1925, changed their focus and used the democratic system of the Weimar Republic to gain power. When nobody stopped them, they became bolder and more aggressive. Namely, that certain groups, especially Jews, could not assimilate and would have to be removed entirely so the nation could thrive. Many veterans and other citizens struggled to understand Germanys defeat and the uncertain future. During this time, about one-third of the Communist Party's three million members were killed. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system. How did conditions in Germany and Europe at the end of World War I contribute to the rise and triumph of Nazism in Germany. His research focuses on modern Europe with an emphasis on Germany and Britain from 1789 to 1918. (May 10 TZ2), In what ways, and to what extent, was propaganda important in the rise and rule of Hitler? Emergence of authoritarian states. This document contains: The emergence of authoritarian states: Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: Economic factors. But this time it gathers . The mixed record of authoritarians responses to the coronavirus undercuts any simple conclusion that the pandemic will bolster authoritarianism globally over the long term. The Nazi Party gained broad support, including many in the middle classintellectuals, civil servants, students, professionals, shopkeepers and clerks ruined by the Depression. Its important that when it comes to China, the EU speaks with one voice If we dont do that, theyll have us for lunch, they said. To what extent did economic factors contribute to the emergence of two authoritarian states, each from a di erent region? It did this by creating states with limited capacity to provide services and police their own territories.
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